In-brief: the arrest of a prominent security researcher from the firm Kaspersky Lab in Moscow has prompted speculation that the Russians may be cleaning house after recent U.S. intelligence revelations about Russian hacking in this country.
Fancy Bear
Opinion: Confusion over Vermont Utility Underscores Risks of Cyber Attribution
In-brief: errant reports about a Russian government hack of a Vermont utility are the first byproduct of a flawed report on Russian hacking of U.S. interests. They won’t be the last.
Security Pros Pan US Government Report on Russian Hacking
In-brief: security experts say the 13 page report, released Thursday, falls well short of offering conclusive evidence of Russian involvement in the hacking, even as The Obama Administration acts to punish Russia for its involvement.
Don’t Be The DNC: An Introduction to Enterprise Threat Hunting
In-brief: The New York Times expose on the hack of the Democratic National Committee is a case study in how not to respond to a cyber attack. In this video interview with Tim Bandos of Digital Guardian, we talk about how to do it right. His new ebook on hunting digital threats in the enterprise explains that incident response doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
Secret CIA Assessment says Russian Hacks helped Trump win | The Washington Post
In-brief: The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, sharpening an earlier analysis that found evidence for Russian tampering with the election.