Exclusive: Mirai Attack Was Costly For Dyn, Data Suggests

In-brief: More than 14,000 Internet domains stopped using managed DNS services from Dyn, the New Hampshire based company, following an October botnet attack on the company, data from Bitsight suggests. The Mirai botnet attacks that took managed Domain Name System services from New Hampshire based Dyn offline in October caused short-lived pain for Internet users trying to reach popular web sites like PayPal, Twitter, Reddit, Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify. The attacks may have had more lasting implications for Dyn – and other Internet companies like it- as new data suggests that around 8% of the web domains relying on Dyn’s managed DNS service dropped the service in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Approximately 14,500 web domains that used Dyn’s managed Domain Name System services prior to the Mirai attack stopped using them immediately following the attack, according to data compiled by the firm BitSight – a big blow to the company that was … Continue reading Exclusive: Mirai Attack Was Costly For Dyn, Data Suggests