Chief Security Officer: The Toughest Job In IT?

Register now for our CISO Hangout with Jon Trull of Qualys, the former Chief Security Officer for the State of Colorado.

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are in the news a lot these days. The breaches at prominent corporations like Target, Home Depot and (this week) JP Morgan have solidified the consensus that the CISO is a necessary complement to the CIO. They’ve also shone a spotlight on what many consider to be the toughest job in corporate America.

After all, successful cyber attacks and data breaches are the quickest path to a ruined corporate reputation. And a strong and capable CISO is increasingly seen as the best defense against such an unfortunate occurrence. (Target’s misfortune was the direct result, some argued, on its lack of a CISO.)

With all that in the air, the time couldn’t be better to sit down with some of the top CISOs in industry and the public sector to talk about the challenges of the job, their top priorities in a fast-moving IT space and the best strategies for staying one step ahead of the bad guys.

Next week, The Security Ledger and Invincea are going to do just that: kicking off a series of Google Hangouts with top CISOs. We’re starting off the series with Jonathan Trull (@jonathantrull), the CISO at security firm Qualys and the former CISO of The State of Colorado and a seasoned U.S. Military offensive cyber security operator and joint operational planner.

Jonathan Tull -CISO, Qualys
Take part in a Google Hangout with Jon Trull, the CISO of Qualys and former CISO of the State of Colorado Tuesday, October 7 at 1:00 PM. Sponsored by Invincea. (Photo courtesy of LinkedIn)

Jon and Invincea CEO Anup Ghosh will join me in a Google Hangout to talk shop – the spate of recent, large scale breaches and securing enterprise networks in the midst of a fast-changing IT- and threat landscape. Jon will also talk about the lessons he learned as CISO for the State of Colorado- managing the security of 17 different departments and more than 27,000 employees.

You’re invited. Use the link below to join us and take part in the conversation this Tuesday, October 7 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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